The young man stopped to sit on a rock.
Sweaty. Withered. Broken.
‘Tired, eh?’ The bearded man asked.
‘I know. It’s already been a long journey for you, beginning from your cradle, with your parents and their woes.’ His long arm went into a sack and brought out a loaf, which he held out to the young.
But the young man had thrown his face in his palms to sob. The bearded one sighed and put the loaf back and stretched his palm and placed it on the young. Gently.
He now broke into a deep, long wail. He wept as if he hadn’t for too long and was holding it all in him. Now the bearded one stood up and held the boy’s face close to his belly. His embrace was warm and gentle.
‘I was waiting for you, O tender one. I knew you would come.. You’ve taken in so much.’
That made the boy wail out more in wonder and strangeness and pity.
‘Every man and woman hold this same cry within them. You have all journeyed for too long. Please listen to me carefully. You have been misguided. You have lost your way. That’s why the pain and fear. But there’s a way, an answer, your final relief is here. Believe me, son, you can return now. Your home, your true home and your real father are waiting for you. This meaningless journey is over. If you would say ‘yes’, an illumined door will open in you. Believe. Close your eyes, see the light, the immensity of light, that your own darkness was trying to hide. But not any more. Not any more. You are safe, my son. Come!’
The boy raised his face. He saw the bearded man beaming his love upon him. The boy smiled through his tears and began nodding.
Then he stood up and held the man’s hand and began to walk toward the rising sun. They felt a breeze. They relished the fragrance of lemons ripening in the valley. They heard children giggling in the distance. As the sun painted their skin orange, their smiles broke into a laugh of relief. As they laughed, a legion of birds swirled in the sky as if they suddenly heard a symphony of angels.
Into the illumined love, the two then slowly vanished.