When a people get their ‘book’, they become people of the book. I hope that would not happen to Course students around the world. It should not.
Recently, I saw a couple of good friends of mine commenting on how Course is different from ‘eastern’ teachings of advaita. I thank them for raising this topic. But I also felt looking closer at the direction such discussions may grow. Who doesn’t love a division?
I am a Course student. And I am an advaita student as well. There are no contradictions in that – if you are NOT looking for them. You can find them if you ARE
A Course in Miracles indeed offers us life-saving teachings unique and exclusive to it. We’ve no doubt about it. Yet, I gently invite you to this thought:
Revelation in our dream is progressive. (Not the ‘revelation’ J teaches, but the levels of wisdom as we accept and understand) Because, we are streaming our hypnosis called ‘life’ through an illusory sense of linear time. One step of ‘mankindmemorydelusion’ leads it to the next one. And so forth.
Which is why we ought to be grateful to Suresvara and Sankara and Govindapada and Gaudapada and Dzogchen Miwoche and Vyasa and the Great White Brotherhood and Babaji and even the lineages that have come before in this dream
Indian advaitists would laugh at me when I tell them that nodualism was not originated in India per se. It came from the migratory disciples of the teacher of teachers, Melchizedek.
The point for clarity is this: we are all together immensely grateful to all teachings that prepare us for the next level. And so forth. Each teaching is revealed when we have covered the lesson of the previous one.
Let’s not forget that neither is ACIM the final teaching (“You have much too much to learn” Jesus) and more will be revealed as we leave the 3D ego framework.
This is why we Course students are setting up the first physical ACIM centre in India, with a humble understanding that what Jesus is teaching us is (like Dattatreya’s Avadhuta Gita – its 7 chapters) Sama Tatva or a Transcendental Unity beyond Eastern nonduality and Western duality.
‘The Course Commune’ in India would gladly open its doors to all seekers and followers of any creed and texts. We are also going to offer advaita courses to Course students and Course classes to advaitins, so that all beliefs in differences are healed away mutually. Let our focus be only on healing each other. That’s all we are here to ‘do’ under the guidance of The Great Spirit.
Let not theology delay us. We all have played these ‘battles’ of ideologies in many of our past lives/dreams. Time has come to lay down our secret wish to look for divisions within the Son.
Once we are able to open ‘The Course’ centre, I’d most gladly invite my beloved friends and ACIM students here. Where Melchizedek and Buddha and Ramana and Jesus and Sankara and Rumi and Neemkaroli and Yogananda and Saint Germain and you will be equally loved and learned from..
Big, warm hugs from India! (Yea, its summer here)