Query in The Course Commune: “How can I deal with fear? It is hurting me..”
The Course says fear feels so real to us because we made fear.
> I made fear in my mind out of my guilt.
> Then I see and experience this fear out in the world.
> So if my fear came from my guilt, my practise of clearing guilt through True Forgiveness must be the way to erase the fear in me le?
1. Let us be practical here. When you have chosen to go with fear, no amount of Truth, however profoundly put, will be heard in its purity.
2. Please tell yourself okay I am feeling the grip of fear and this is my choice.
3. When you make yourself realise that you have chosen fear and the fear did not or can not choose you, it slowly empowers you.
4. Stop fighting with yourself and take a few breaths and decide not to think of anything beyond today.
5. Slowly as much as possible, bag all fear thoughts and give it to God and say i cannot handle this now
6. It passes.. the feeling you had. At least it changes colour
7. This is the proof that I need not rely on the thoughts I have. Only my thoughts can hurt (me and others).
8. I can step down from trusting my thoughts, if they are hurtful..
9. These thoughts are not mine. I do not need to own them, protect them, defend them…
10. That’s why I cannot know my next thought. Because that thought is also not mine…
11. Whenever thoughts are hurtful they are not from my creative mind. They are from my own judgements on myself…
12. Since I had condemned myself for thinking apart from my innocence, I still think this problem is not solved. Because I have not identified what my only problem is…
13. This world cannot hurt me. The world is not here to hurt me or save me. My world is of my own making. (In my mind)..
14. Hence, if I can see my innocence for a moment, I will know I am safe. And if I can choose to have a string of such instants in my mind, then I am back in my innocence. No one or nothing will come to harm me unless I decide to hurt me..
15. But let me rest now in the assurance of some mighty masters that I cannot hurt myself truly. And I can let go of my trust in my hurting thoughts without building up further on them. This is True Forgiveness of my mind..
16. This is my power! I can forgive > forgive > forgive > in my mind and I can come out of the loop of these fear-hurt-thoughts!
17. This divine chain of forgiveness is all I need now, in this instant. All the rest will be taken care of by my Pure Spirit.
Thank you master-brother for teaching us the way of The Course!